Monday, July 17, 2017

Miserable mysteries

So this week we did yard work for a recent convert named Bruce on Tuesday. At the end of that day I had what I thought were bug bites on my ankles and my wrist. I thought nothing of it. At the end of Wednesday there were more so I figured more bugs had gotten to me and that's fine, whatever not a big deal. When I woke up the next morning there were even more so I started wondering what this was or if I had bed bugs or something. When we were going home Thursday Elder McCune pointed out that it could be chicken pox or something. I said no because I had had that when I was a child so there is no way, but it made sense that it wasn't bugs because it was slowly spreading so it couldn't be.
I called the mission nurse and she said it was probably allergies. I know what hives look like and this isn't hives so I didn't think so but it also made sense that it was from something that touched my skin because it was on my ankles and wrist. The plot was thickening.
Time went by and it had slowed down a little bit but it wasn't going away. At a members house I was talking with sister Dragoo, who is the wife of a recent convert. She said it was probably poison ivy or poison oak. That made more sense, not completely but whatever. If it was then what had happened was I had gotten the oil from the plant on something and that is why it was slowly spreading. So When we went home I started washing everything I owned and that was that...
Nothing has changed. Its still slowly spreading and it's not really going away. But it's whatever I don't pay attention much. I figured it was something to talk about.

Elder McCune and I helped clean out a super nasty house this weekend for Becky. The house is filthy from floor to ceiling. Its probably not even worth cleaning because the frame work will still have the smell in it so I would just demolish the house and rebuild it to be honest.

The woman that invited us to the Wesleyan church last Sunday actually came to church yesterday. Her name is Jennifer. She got lost so she showed up a little late and then she had to leave early to get to her church service. 

That's what's going on with me here in Gowanda.

I hope everyone has a good week.

Side note from Mom - I'm 100% positive that he has poison ivy.  I grew up having poison ivy EVERY summer of my life (highly allergic) and it looks like he is going to find out how I felt.  I called the mission nurse to make sure that he gets the information on how to treat it (slathering himself in Calamine lotion) so that it doesn't continue to spread for the rest of the summer. Poor guy.

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